Books and Podcasts

One of the privileges of being an elected representative is that I get to meet and hear from all sorts of people from a wide range of backgrounds. These stories and conversations populate my published works. Please see below my podcast, and my published books.

The Good Life: Andrew Leigh in Conversations

Our society places a lot of emphasis on 'smarts' but not enough on 'wisdom'. In this podcast, I seek out wise men and women to see what they can teach us about living a happier, healthier and more ethical life.

The podcast is available through SpotifyApple Podcasts and Stitcher.

I also maintain a Speeches & Conversations podcast which you can find on Apple Podcasts and Stitcher.

Innovation + Equality: How to Create a Future That Is More Star-Trek than Terminator (with Joshua Gans) (2019)

Is economic inequality the price we pay for innovation? The amazing technological advances of the last two decades—in such areas as artificial intelligence, genetics, and materials—have benefited society collectively and rewarded innovators handsomely: we get cool smartphones and technology moguls become billionaires. This contributes to a growing wealth gap; in the United States; the wealth controlled by the top 0.1 percent of households equals that of the bottom ninety percent. Is this the inevitable cost of an innovation-driven economy? Economist Joshua Gans and policy maker Andrew Leigh make the case that pursuing innovation does not mean giving up on equality—precisely the opposite. In this book, they outline ways that society can become both more entrepreneurial and more egalitarian.

All innovation entails uncertainty; there's no way to predict which new technologies will catch on. Therefore, Gans and Leigh argue, rather than betting on the future of particular professions, we should consider policies that embrace uncertainty and protect people from unfavorable outcomes. To this end, they suggest policies that promote both innovation and equality. If we encourage innovation in the right way, our future can look more like the cheerful techno-utopia of Star Trek than the dark techno-dystopia of The Terminator.

Randomistas: How Radical Researchers Changed Our World (2018)

Choosing Openness: Why Global Engagement is Best for Australia (2017)